Five years with this girl that continually makes me smile. She is sweet, like run up and hug your leg for no reason, sweet. She is full of life. She will get up from the table to dance if music is playing. She loves to build, ride her bike, run and just be silly.
We decided on an Angry Birds themed party. I look forward to the year when I can just have a normal party and not feel the need to make ridiculous things like Angry Bird balloons. I even told myself this year was just a swimming party and a cake. But all the fun ideas that came with an Angry Birds cake carried over into painted rocks, chocolate TNT bombs, and I even ended with a watermelon carved out and painted as a pig. But God continues to humble me by making it hot enough for my icing to melt and slide off the cake and another party booked at the same time (I didn’t know I was supposed to reserve the pool). The overall conditions not in my favor and the balloons and decorations didn’t even get put up. But as always, no one cared about those things. The kids had fun in the pool (our first September pool party) and we were able to spend her day with people we love. Thank you to our family and Kedra who traveled to celebrate with us.
Her favorite Lego castle. Thank you Daddy.
Aunt Ali and Audrey
Then like always I feel like I have to celebrate again on her “real” birthday. So another cake and we decided to put up the decorations for the house.