Silly, I tell you

In case you didn’t think the other bucket on her head was funny… seriously, I don’t know where she gets this personality.

Megan has also made a smooth transition into her toddler bed. The girls do really well in there together and I am so thankful that this one transition has been relatively easy. Alyssa starts getting up for some Kindergarten stuff this week, so we will see if she wakes Megan or not. We are going to try the tip-toe method out of the room and see if we can avoid waking Megan at 6:45am.

Headed back

The girls are I are flying to Houston this weekend for a full week. Ethan will be in Vegas, then meet us in Houston. Me, with the kids, shuffling from one family to another. He, alone in Vegas. Wonder who got the better deal?

Egg Hunting

We were invited with our church group to an egg hunt at one of the families place. They have some great land with horses, hills, trees and all. The girls had a great time playing outside and hunting eggs with some of their new friends.  It was a very good substitute for the traditional Eller Easter that we will miss this year.  Pics

Lunch with a friend

I love a friendly face. I love just being around people that you have history with. New friends are good to have, but there can just be that awkwardness. Today I met up with Heidi at her new house, surrounded by boxes and tons of cool birds. We spent a little time catching up. I helped her unpack the dish towels and found the perfect drawer for them. I was such a big help. We had a quick lunch, but I am looking forward to our future lunches with the girls, trips to the zoo and just having another friend in town. Welcome to Nashville Houstons.


It doesn’t happen often. Even the days when Alyssa is in school, Meg and I always seem busy with something. Then when she naps, I usually try to work or clean or something. Today, Megan refused to eat lunch so I put her in bed early. I made myself lunch and ate at the coffee table while watching TV… 7th Heaven, but technically still TV. It has been a nice hour and half treat. But now it is over, time to wake up Meg and pick up Alyssa from school. Then there is the pile of laundry upstairs, a few ends to tie up for work, and oh yea – what is for dinner??


No idea how this happened. Can’t remember seeing this before. Seen green ones. Seen brown ones. Maybe even some yellow ones. But this is red. I mean red. And it is in my front yard. This is cool.

My new phone

Okay, so I know this is not a new thing, but I got a new phone that has a camera on it. My old phone was pre-Alyssa and was actually still black and white. Needless to say, I am loving the camera. So I have created an album just to show you some fun stuff I am taking pics of. If you would like to be added to my email list, I can randomly send you pics of what we are doing. I am sure I look like a dork to others, but I am loving this. Click to see the album.

Where’s Julie?

Come on . . . I know you are thinking it. Hmm, she usually does so well updating her blog, I wonder where she is.

Well, between a dying modem and a trip to Vegas then 6 days later a trip to Oregon we are finally back. We – ha! Who am I kidding. Do you ever see anyone else update this? I am back!

We were in Vegas (yes with both girls) with Ben’s company for a convention that they do each year. I was invited to come this year and we played with Amanda and Mallory. Then we were off to Oregon (yes with both girls, AGAIN) for Melissa’s wedding. Oh! it was fantastic. We were there for the week and enjoyed some quiet time with the couple before the day. My parents also went so they were a big help with the girls, and we enjoyed the Pacific coast one day.

Within these last 2 weeks, Megan has become a different baby. Well, one who likes to scream, but she is finally doing good with solids, sits unsupported, and is almost on the move. She can pull her knees up under her and rock. She also does this tee-pee position up on feet and hands. Pretty impressive!