Sweet Megan

Those aren’t words that go together too often. Yes, she is adorable and lovable, but she is a silly, rambunctious, screamer of a kid. She definitely loves her mama, but does not sit and cuddle for too long. However, after her nap the other day, she laid on the couch with me for a good hour. It could have been she just loves me or the fact that she likes the Backyardigans, either way, I soaked up every minute.

I also thought it was priceless to have the same picture that I have with Alyssa while I was pregnant with Noah. Same red couch, grey shirt and all. Some things never change. Except apparently I wore makeup a little more often back then.

My mom

Sunday, is my mom’s birthday. I think as you get older, you want to celebrate those days with your parents as much as you want to for your own kids. We love it in Tennessee, but it is occasions like this that make me wish we were just a bit closer. To be able to drop by and bring a cake or flowers or something to let her know that we love her. So how about a post on the infamous blog? Does that count?

My mom is one who loves deeply. She loves her family by calling and wanting to know what is going on in their lives. She loves her friends by encouraging and supporting them every step of the way. She loves her grandkids by spending time with them, calling them, buying gifts and telling them she loves them. Most of all I see her loving her dad. I can see where her love comes from when I see the love her parents gave to her. Almost every day since her mom died in 2004, she has called her dad just to say “hi.” He talks about the same thing most days. He tells how he took flowers and visited Nanny’s grave, he talks about church, he talks about his sisters that he takes care of. It is not that they have anything important to talk about, but she makes the effort each night to let him know she loves him. I have wondered if I could ever take time out of my life to do that for someone, like my dad, and I just don’t know that I have the strength or commitment that she does. So to a wonderful mother, loving grandmother, devoted wife and daughter, Happy Birthday Mom!

Here is the closest we can get to you today: Happy Birthday

My support

Ethan was around this morning for our exciting adventure. I guess he got a good glimpse of my days from the rushing to get Alyssa ready and managing Megan. He had an appointment this morning and surprised me back at the house with things wives like. Sweet card – check, flowers (cut and already in the vase) – check, and 2 giant chocolate chip M&M cookies – check. Does he know his wife or what? Your thinking at 9:00 in the morning? Yep, that is the best time for cookies.

Thank you husband for loving me. Thank you for encouraging me. Thank you for knowing what I need at just the right time. And thank you for my words of affirmation, which maybe I like even better than cookies! I love you.


We made 4 out of 5 days really good. I wake Alyssa about 6:45 and tip-toe quietly out of the room. We have been reading in my bed to let her wake a bit, then dress and have 45 minutes to eat breakfast. And yes, we usually need all of that time. Today, I was awoken by the sound of the door opening. Oh, good, I thought, she is up on her own. Yeah, her and her sister. “Oh great!” Megan up at 6:30 am. That is hour and half early for her. Anyway, to say this morning was a little tough is an understatement. Megan whined and cried most of the morning while I am trying to get Alyssa’s lunch and breakfast ready. This worked a whole lot better with Megan in bed still. So we finished breakfast with Megan crying in her room. Then we walked out to wait for the bus. Megan was on the porch saying “bye, bye sissie.” She seemed fine until the minute the bus drove off down the street with sissie inside. “Sissssssssssssssie! Sissssssssssie!!” She was crying her name and reaching her hands out as if to bring her back. I guess I will chalk her whining and neediness this week up to just missing her big sister. But currently, she is in my lap with a pencil in her nose saying, “in my nose, mommy.” Oh! this girl is so different than Alyssa.

Have a good weekend friends.

Final first day

The day I have thought about, worried about, and looked forward to all at the same time. I am sure you mothers who have been here know these feelings, but it is such an odd assortment. We all got up and dressed this morning to take Alyssa. She went through the morning like a champ, though she is still the slowest eater on the planet. I am going to pull my hair out every morning hoping she finishes before the bus comes. She hopped out of the car, knew exactly where to go, hugged her teacher and began putting her stuff away. I cannot believe how easy this day has come to all of us. Megan and I played together this morning, we had a quiet lunch and then she was off to bed. I have been looking forward to these 2 hours of quiet before Alyssa gets home for awhile. Intending to get some work done, I found myself editing her first kindergarten video and watching the clock for her bus to arrive. I have verified the time online once already, and jumped out of my chair twice. Once at the high school bus, second at the trash man. I guess I am a little anxious to see her. I told her I would be standing out waiting for her, so I don’t want to miss it. I have my shoes by the door, my video camera ready and warm chocolate chip cookies waiting for us to share. Now I will just stare out the window for the next 40 minutes…or maybe I have time to clean the dishes.

Alyssa had a wonderful day. We talked over cookies and she told me all about music class and the lady talking with her hands; how to stand on the third square on the floor, single-file and do not touch the wall; and even the sign she uses to ask to go to the bathroom. And her teacher even emailed me to check that the bus ride went well. So far this experience has been great. And at 6:30pm without Daddy home yet, I am still sane and loving my girls.

Silly, I tell you

In case you didn’t think the other bucket on her head was funny… seriously, I don’t know where she gets this personality.

Megan has also made a smooth transition into her toddler bed. The girls do really well in there together and I am so thankful that this one transition has been relatively easy. Alyssa starts getting up for some Kindergarten stuff this week, so we will see if she wakes Megan or not. We are going to try the tip-toe method out of the room and see if we can avoid waking Megan at 6:45am.

Headed back

The girls are I are flying to Houston this weekend for a full week. Ethan will be in Vegas, then meet us in Houston. Me, with the kids, shuffling from one family to another. He, alone in Vegas. Wonder who got the better deal?

Egg Hunting

We were invited with our church group to an egg hunt at one of the families place. They have some great land with horses, hills, trees and all. The girls had a great time playing outside and hunting eggs with some of their new friends.  It was a very good substitute for the traditional Eller Easter that we will miss this year.  Pics

Lunch with a friend

I love a friendly face. I love just being around people that you have history with. New friends are good to have, but there can just be that awkwardness. Today I met up with Heidi at her new house, surrounded by boxes and tons of cool birds. We spent a little time catching up. I helped her unpack the dish towels and found the perfect drawer for them. I was such a big help. We had a quick lunch, but I am looking forward to our future lunches with the girls, trips to the zoo and just having another friend in town. Welcome to Nashville Houstons.


It doesn’t happen often. Even the days when Alyssa is in school, Meg and I always seem busy with something. Then when she naps, I usually try to work or clean or something. Today, Megan refused to eat lunch so I put her in bed early. I made myself lunch and ate at the coffee table while watching TV… 7th Heaven, but technically still TV. It has been a nice hour and half treat. But now it is over, time to wake up Meg and pick up Alyssa from school. Then there is the pile of laundry upstairs, a few ends to tie up for work, and oh yea – what is for dinner??