Megan is getting better at sitting. Just within the last week she has really been able to hold this position. And she loves the pacifier. Alyssa never took one, so this is new to me. Most of the time when I get her in the morning, she is rolled on her back sucking on it, kicking her legs. Like she went all night without it (b/c it falls out) then magically finds it again in the morning light. Just a side note: I am not sure whose PJs she is wearing. They could be some of Alyssa’s 3Ts, they look huge!
Category Archives: Megan
6 months
Alyssa has been saying Megan is zero because she is not 1 year yet. So I said today that we can say she is a 1/2 now. On her 6 month birthday we started cereal for the first time. No, I am not that anal . . . well, maybe, but today just seemed like the best day. I tried to start her all week, but the timing never worked out for pictures and Ethan being home and so on. So this morning was her first taste. She did good — better than Alyssa did. Alyssa acted like I was feeding her grass, while Megan just played around with the “soup” in her mouth. She didn’t swallow much of it, but didn’t seem to mind the texture or taste. Alyssa helped out too and at one point Megan had two spoonfuls of cereal in her mouth. She does a pretty good job in the high chair if she is supported on both sides by blankets and a non-slip mat under her bottom. So we will work on the sitting as we work on eating.
Megan also took her first ride in the swing this week. She loved it, and it allows me to play outside without having to hold her. But wouldn’t you know that Alyssa now wants a turn in the baby swing.
Abilene was a big hit. We had a lot of fun with the family and celebrating Blakely’s 6th birthday. The kids would just yell, “we are going to jump!”. It was nice to let them do that on their own without supervision. No one got hurt and we didn’t even have any fights.
5 months old
First Tooth
After a few weeks of this, Megan’s first tooth finally popped through. Besides the constant hands in the mouth and the drooling she didn’t complain much. Alyssa got her bottom 2 before 5 months, so I have been watching to see if Megan’s were coming. I tried to take a picture of her tooth, but all you could see was 3 fingers shooved in her mouth. I will wait till it comes in a little more. While it is exciting, it is a little sad. She seems to be growing too fast.
She has done a little better with her so-called “reflux”. I took her off the acid medicine 2 weeks ago and she is only on Reglan. It is supposed to relax her involuntary muscles to make eating more comfortable. I saw a huge improvement the first 2 weeks, but she is slowly showing signs of discomfort again. We have a GI appointment in April, so I may just wait till then.
Overall, she is a happy baby. We can make her smile so easily, especially Alyssa. She giggles some, but not too often. She has rolled both directions, however chooses not to most of the time. She plays peekaboo with me when I hold her in my arms. She will bury her face then look up at me and smile. Sometimes I smile and laugh so much at what she is doing, that my face literally hurts. We are having fun!
I have a new video of the girls. Most of the time Alyssa does her own thing and just plays “around” Megan. But Megan is captivated by her big sister. Most mornings they share breakfast together. Alyssa in her chair at the table and Megan in her bouncy seat watching her sister. It is good for me, keeps them both entertained. I think they will have alot of fun together when Megan is old enough to play. For now, this is what playtime looks like. See video
Smiles, hands and drool
What is more fun than the constant drip of drool? Megan has found that she can blow bubbles recently, and that is her favorite thing to show you when she is happy. Her hands have been in her mouth most of her waking hours for the last week or so, but they are not blocking the drool. Alyssa’s first tooth came in at 4 months, so maybe Megan will be like her sister. Let’s hope all this drool is for a reason.
We will go for Megan’s 4 month appointment next week. And just in time, our doctor dropped our insurance. So I guess we will be seeing a new doctor, but she is in the same practice. I am interested to see if she has a different take on Megan’s “reflux”.
My cutie
As most of you know and have seen, Ethan has takes great pictures when he wants. I have many good photos of Alyssa in her last few years that I cherish. I have been nagging him to take some of Megan. It took him 5 minutes and now we have captured Megan at 3 months. She is doing a good job holding up her head, and pops her legs straight when I pull her up. She has the cutest smile that she shows off quite often when we play. We have struggled with acid-reflux in the last 2 months, but I think doping her up on Prevacid each morning is helping. I am still enjoying every moment of time with her and cannot wait to watch her grow up.
To move or not to move
Sometimes my clients like to wait until the last possible moment for me to help them. A client emailed me today as I am walking out the door to Hobby Lobby. (Sometimes, I just need a break and relieve some stress at Hobbly Lobby.) Basically the client needs to approve a project and get it to printer by end of day. Bear in mind, the project is only half way done, because I was waiting on him. Needless to say, Hobby Lobby had to wait, Alyssa had to be entertained by computer games, and poor Megan was just ignored on the floor. A little bit later, Alyssa in her room while I am waiting on a response from the client, I see Megan asleep on the floor. “Oh, how cute,” I think. Then I begin to wonder. She has 1.5 hours before time to eat again, can she sleep that long on the floor? She needs her nap, should I move her to her bed?
Well, now half an hour later and she is crying in her bed. Clearly, I made the wrong choice.
Into the 2nd month
Megan, that is. We went for her check-up today and everything is good. She weighed 9 lbs 15.5 oz. So far her doctor has said how cute she is at every visit. Either she really means it, or she just tells everyone that. You can judge for yourself. She smiles a lot and if you know how to coo at her, she will coo back. It makes us smile. Especially when Alyssa gets in front of her and talks to her like I do. “Meeegan… hiiiii ” Most of the time Megan sits in her chair or on the floor while we go about the day. But don’t get me wrong, her grandmothers hold her plenty when they visit. She watches Baby Mozart and just likes to stare at her hands or toys. However, I am still surprised at how her changing table can make her smile. Even when she is fussy, if I lay her down to change her, she immediately looks up, towards the wall, and begins smiling. You want my take? I have decided that that is where she sees her brother. It was his room after all. I think that is where she connects with Noah, and that is why she smiles. Good thought anyway, right?
With Thanksgiving over, we are preparing for Christmas. All of the Eller family was in town this weekend and it was nice to be together again. Ethan hung the lights outside and now he says it is my turn to do the inside. Well, he could probably care less, but when I asked him to help with the tree, he said, I did the outside you do the inside. Fair, I guess. So as soon as I get some time, I will unpack the 7 boxes sitting in my foyer.