That best describes my status right now. Emotionally and physically. Ethan moved to Austin in May. With the exception of 2 weekends and a trip to Destin, we have been apart for 3 months. So emotionally family has been hard, single-parenting is hard. I realized that for the last three weeks, almost every moment of my day, has been packing related. We did the pool, lunch with friends, but alot of my day was spent planning or packing. And I was still taping boxes the morning the movers arrived. They packed up all day yesterday, and a sweet friend helped me clean the house late into the night.
In the midst of that, I began saying goodbye to friends. Good ol’ JB left for Africa earlier in the week so she was first, my family away from family with our small group at church, sweet neighborhood friends, and then the greatest next door neighbors chose a trip to Alaska the day we leave. I was blessed beyond anything I can measure in Spring Hill. Friends who sacrificed money to fundraise for cancer, babysitters during 5-a-week radiation, a friendly face walking down the sidewalk, friends for the girls to play with by simply walking outside. I loved our little world here. I could have stayed, watched the girls grow up with friends, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, the snow, the cool nights, the pleasures of a small city.
But it has been evidently clear that God has different plans for us. To take our story to a new place. And that is where we are headed, following his lead. If you follow (and comment) I will continue to update all my daily experiences as we move and share with you how God will continue to provide for us as we move into the next phase in our lives.
I am not going to pretend I have it all together. The packing I could handle; bathing, feeding 3 kids daily, I could do it. But moving to a new place is scary. I don’t know my neighbors, I don’t have a church family, never seen the schools I chose, don’t even know where the grocery store is. Trust. That is about all I can do, and pray God blesses me in Round Rock like he did in Spring Hill.
The last night in the Tanyard Springs house