Winter activities

Ethan’s mom, Oma, came to meet Audrey this week. She was able to stay through Saturday and help me with cooking, cleaning and entertaining which ever kid I needed her to entertain at that moment. I think she had some good quality time with Audrey and you can’t say you’ve had that unless you were spit up on at least half-dozen times.

It has been freezin’ here. Literally. I will admit I was the one complaining that it was way to warm into October, but this is ridiculous. Audrey is too little to be hanging out in this weather and all Megan wants to do is go to the playground or the pool. She doesn’t really understand seasons yet. So while we have not been out much in the last 3 weeks, we have done some fun stuff inside. Painted Christmas ornaments:

And painted nails:

And then just in general, we are being cute:

Treatin’ with friends

When we were looking for houses, we really liked this neighborhood because of all the kids we saw running around. Well, they all come out Halloween if not the rest of the days. The girls dressed up and we headed down to one of the cul-de-sacs that Alyssa’s friends live on and spent most of the evening with them. They have food and desserts and then throw all their candy together in one big bucket for the other kids.  They all walked down one of the streets together and we could just see Alyssa run in and out of driveways from a distance. She had a blast. Now my “angels” are sitting on the couch, full of sugar, winding down with Cars and Daddy. More

Field Trip

Alyssa went on her first field trip this week at school to Gentry’s Farm. It was a lot of fun to hang out with her and see how she interacts with her teacher and friends. They learned about pumpkin patches and the stages of the pumpkin. Did you know that all pumpkins start as a yellow flower with a small ball on the the end? I sure learned a lot. Also that cows like to eat pumpkins too. Here are a few pics of the outing. In case you haven’t discovered, I usually put more in the photo gallery 🙂

Verbs of the weekend


This weekend my friends joined me in celebrating the upcoming arrival of Audrey. Amanda hosted the event and was a wonderful friend: pampering me with gifts, delicious Julie-approved food and a sweet blessing. It was great to be able to share this time with new (and old) friends, since most of mine are so far away. I received fun goodies for Audrey including this amazing diaper cake (or whatever they call them). Thank you girls for celebrating this new life with me.


After I came home from the shower, I enjoyed showing the goodies to Ethan and the girls. And I just can’t do that without really getting excited about her arrival. So the next few hours of my Saturday were spent finding and unpacking the baby items. The room has been ready for awhile. Diaper cloths, blankets, and clothes have been packed in the drawers too. But I had yet to get out the supplies. So I unpacked and washed the covers for the swing, bouncer and car seat. There is a part of me that wanted new things. I mean, the swing was for Blakely and is from 2001. Good thing they do not have an expiration date on those. (I am ignoring the one for the car seat.) But I also love the fact that all my girls will use the same “equipment”. I remember bringing each one home in that car seat. I just feel warm inside to get this stuff out and look forward to using it again. I told Ethan surely after 3 kids, we have got our money worth out of this stuff.

So, of course, after the things are assembled, the girls had a good time playing with them. I am afraid that Megan may push Audrey right out of that swing. We will have to make sure she is always buckled. Each one also took their turn in the car seat. A 5 yr old in the car seat is quite funny. So, for now we are ready for Audrey.


Of course we had soccer again too. Alyssa and her team scored once and the other team… well, we lost count. But they are having fun and I love to see a new side of her come out.

A Love for Learning

Alyssa comes home from school each day full of energy. I hear other kids that are pooped, in a daze. Alyssa is the opposite. Ethan thinks that school is so stimulating for her that she is almost on a high while she is there. She enjoys almost every moment. She loves to learn. And loves to show you what she has learned. She has always been bright. Knowing her letters and sounds and writing at age 3. Sounding out words as early as 4. Now at 5 with some real training, she is picking up on reading and writing so easy. I would say I am impressed, but honestly I am not. After school today, she sits right down by me and begins writing sentences. They teach them to sound out the word and write the sounds they hear – even if it is just the first and last sounds. She has a little bit of her mom in her and is constantly asking if that is how you spell something. So it is hard for her to write it down knowing it may be wrong. But she is doing great. See how well you do:

This is a “sneaky e”. He goes over and tickles the other vowel and makes him say his name – “i”.

I love my family. She says it is “lie” because she knows how to spell Julie and they both sound the same.

The AT word family

Tired of me asking her things, she writes: I can’t write any more words.

And once more, because I asked her to write it on another sheet of paper so I could scan it in. This one of course, she got right.

Another run at soccer

Let’s recap: At 3, Alyssa sat on the sidelines refusing to play. At 4, she did great the first few games, but disliked soccer practice every week and by the end was playing very little of each game. We started the spring season again, but after 2 horrible practices, we took her out. Here we are at 5. And the way they say that 3 is worse than 2, I can say 5 is so different than 4. Now that she is in school, Alyssa is a little more social, able to make friends pretty easy, a little more apt to try new things and bringing home all kinds of new attitude. Well the first three I think are helping when it comes to soccer. She has done great at each practice, actually running the drills, and playing with the other girls. While this team may not make many goals, she looks to be having fun. She is number 10. Here is her first game this season.

Final first day

The day I have thought about, worried about, and looked forward to all at the same time. I am sure you mothers who have been here know these feelings, but it is such an odd assortment. We all got up and dressed this morning to take Alyssa. She went through the morning like a champ, though she is still the slowest eater on the planet. I am going to pull my hair out every morning hoping she finishes before the bus comes. She hopped out of the car, knew exactly where to go, hugged her teacher and began putting her stuff away. I cannot believe how easy this day has come to all of us. Megan and I played together this morning, we had a quiet lunch and then she was off to bed. I have been looking forward to these 2 hours of quiet before Alyssa gets home for awhile. Intending to get some work done, I found myself editing her first kindergarten video and watching the clock for her bus to arrive. I have verified the time online once already, and jumped out of my chair twice. Once at the high school bus, second at the trash man. I guess I am a little anxious to see her. I told her I would be standing out waiting for her, so I don’t want to miss it. I have my shoes by the door, my video camera ready and warm chocolate chip cookies waiting for us to share. Now I will just stare out the window for the next 40 minutes…or maybe I have time to clean the dishes.

Alyssa had a wonderful day. We talked over cookies and she told me all about music class and the lady talking with her hands; how to stand on the third square on the floor, single-file and do not touch the wall; and even the sign she uses to ask to go to the bathroom. And her teacher even emailed me to check that the bus ride went well. So far this experience has been great. And at 6:30pm without Daddy home yet, I am still sane and loving my girls.

1st Day

Today was Alyssa’s first day of Kindergarten. It is only a half day, but I didn’t realize how much this would really be a first day for her…or me. I guess I have been thinking, she has a few half days, and then really starts on the 25th. But when you get the lunch packed, get dressed, eat breakfast, walk them into class, see the teacher and friends and then walk out alone, you realize… this is it. This really is her first day. And if you had asked me in the months leading up to this day, I would have said, “Oh, we are so ready. I am ready for a break and she needs more from me than I can give her. No, I am not sad, I am looking forward to this time.” Of course, all that is true, but would you be surprised if I told you I had to use my tissue that they handed out at the Tears and Tissues breakfast this morning? Everything was fine, she transitioned into the class wonderful and was playing on the floor when I left. She gave the teacher a hug when they met and waved good-bye at me. I chatted with a few parents, asked a few bus questions, ate my donut and then decided I was done. It was not until I walked to the car that I felt this emotion build in me. What? Where did this come from? I did not expect this. But this indescribable feeling came to the surface. Tears of joy, tears of excitement, tears full of memories of the last 5 years with my baby girl. This is the beginning for her for so many things, and it is these milestones that really make you aware of how fast they grow up.

Lord, watch over my girl today. Let her feel loved. Let her feel accepted. Remind her that you are with her and we are here cheering her on. Protect her from harm and bless her with an unbelievably exciting day.

Two years old

Three years old

Four years old

Today at five years old

See more of the first day


In our school, the kindergartners start 2 weeks after the big kids. Alyssa has done a K camp and testing this week and next week has two more half-days of fun before “real” school starts. I have been trying to get her up and dressed like we were going to school so that both of us can adjust to the schedule. So far, she has missed the bus everyday but this one. And technically, she was in the middle of eating breakfast so we wouldn’t have made it that day either. She enjoyed going outside with the big kids and waiting for the bus. Lucky us, it stops right next door. She seems excited about riding on it and I don’t know how a parent can turn down this offer from the district. It is like someone offering to drive the carpool everyday. Or I could wake Megan up an hour early, sit in the work traffic to get 2 blocks down the road, to wave good-bye and drive home. Oh, and don’t forget sitting in the pickup line in the afternoon which I have heard is ridiculous. So thank you Williamson County, my child will ride your bus.

Today, while Alyssa and I were coloring, I was telling her how much she knew at Megan’s age. Here is our conversation:

Mom: When you were Megan’s age, you could say your ABCs and count to 10.

Alyssa: I could do that when I was one?

Mom: Yes, you are a smart girl.

Alyssa: But I didn’t know about smoking like I do now. I know some, but I forget all that stuff that you know. (We had a lengthy discussion on what smoking can do to your body.)

Mom: All you need to remember is that smoking is bad for you and it is yucky.

Alyssa: Yeah, and some people know that but they keep doing it because they have an appetite for it. (The word she meant was habit.)

I think with her knowledge of smoking I can comfortably send her to school now. Her first day is the 25th. And I found out that her teacher is an ACU graduate. How cool is that?