In our school, the kindergartners start 2 weeks after the big kids. Alyssa has done a K camp and testing this week and next week has two more half-days of fun before “real” school starts. I have been trying to get her up and dressed like we were going to school so that both of us can adjust to the schedule. So far, she has missed the bus everyday but this one. And technically, she was in the middle of eating breakfast so we wouldn’t have made it that day either. She enjoyed going outside with the big kids and waiting for the bus. Lucky us, it stops right next door. She seems excited about riding on it and I don’t know how a parent can turn down this offer from the district. It is like someone offering to drive the carpool everyday. Or I could wake Megan up an hour early, sit in the work traffic to get 2 blocks down the road, to wave good-bye and drive home. Oh, and don’t forget sitting in the pickup line in the afternoon which I have heard is ridiculous. So thank you Williamson County, my child will ride your bus.
Today, while Alyssa and I were coloring, I was telling her how much she knew at Megan’s age. Here is our conversation:
Mom: When you were Megan’s age, you could say your ABCs and count to 10.
Alyssa: I could do that when I was one?
Mom: Yes, you are a smart girl.
Alyssa: But I didn’t know about smoking like I do now. I know some, but I forget all that stuff that you know. (We had a lengthy discussion on what smoking can do to your body.)
Mom: All you need to remember is that smoking is bad for you and it is yucky.
Alyssa: Yeah, and some people know that but they keep doing it because they have an appetite for it. (The word she meant was habit.)
I think with her knowledge of smoking I can comfortably send her to school now. Her first day is the 25th. And I found out that her teacher is an ACU graduate. How cool is that?