
The title is a description of my brain right now. I went to Texas Children’s today and I have many thoughts I would like to share, but I am not sure where to start. As part of 40 Days of Community, our small group chose to serve lunch at the Ronald McDonald House at TCH today. This place provides a place of rest, food and comfort for families of the critically ill patients. It was a blessing for us while we were there with Noah, so we decided it was a good place to give back.

I didn’t think too much of going back. I think I have been there once in almost 2 years. Can you believe it will be 2 years in May? Since I tend to hold my feelings in, at least in my daily life, I thought this will be no different than serving anywhere. I did not expect the feelings that I had just driving up to the doors. This tingling sensation in my gut, this nervous feeling. We walked in the hospital and took the elevator to the 4th floor. It was not the same set of elevators we used to use, but when I arrived outside the door of the Ronald McDonald House, it hit me again. The blue wall, the signage pointing toward different places I knew, the smell . . . I don’t know exactly what it was, but it was familiar.

Before we began to serve lunch, Ethan and I took a walk down the halls by the NICU. There were at least 3 doors that I could peek into and see the NICU, the beds, the nurses, the darkness. Noah’s bed was the first one when you entered in one set of doors. I stood there and looked in the small window at the door, longing to just see where he was. I wished that someone would come out so the doors would open and I could see in. “Excuse me.” A voice behind me said, as she punched the button to let herself in. There are two sets of doors that open and they swing different ways, so I had just seconds to look in. But I saw the space where Noah’s bed had been, and I just longed to go back in time and touch him again. Go through all the pain of losing him, just to be close to him again. The memories of the days spent walking those halls and up to his bedside are so fresh. And I am thankful for that.

That same doorway is the one that we walked out of when Noah died and we were surrounded by our family and friends. I visualized that hallway packed with about 20+ of us crying and grieving together. Then I walked around to the front desk. The other thing I wanted was the hand sanitizer that they use at the bedsides of the babies. When I was visiting my nephew in the hospital over a year ago, I realized that the smell of that sanitizer brought me so close to Noah. It was like I was smelling him. So I asked the lady if I could have a pump of the hand sanitizer that was next to her on the wall. After my explanation, she understood. The smell was not as strong as I remembered it, but as I walked down the hall it began to smell more familiar. So before we went home, I went back for one more pump.

Serving the families was touching to me too. They were very appreciative of what we were doing. Many commented it was a nice break from McDonald’s. But I could see despair, hurt, fatigue, anger in them. And I felt a rush of what it was like to be back in their place—being engulfed in the unknown. I was very glad to be there and serve these families in this small way today, and I cannot believe how far we have come in 2 years. I know a lot of that is because of your prayers, THANK YOU.

Working on it . . .

Megan is getting better at sitting. Just within the last week she has really been able to hold this position. And she loves the pacifier. Alyssa never took one, so this is new to me. Most of the time when I get her in the morning, she is rolled on her back sucking on it, kicking her legs. Like she went all night without it (b/c it falls out) then magically finds it again in the morning light. Just a side note: I am not sure whose PJs she is wearing. They could be some of Alyssa’s 3Ts, they look huge!

6 months

Alyssa has been saying Megan is zero because she is not 1 year yet. So I said today that we can say she is a 1/2 now. On her 6 month birthday we started cereal for the first time. No, I am not that anal . . . well, maybe, but today just seemed like the best day. I tried to start her all week, but the timing never worked out for pictures and Ethan being home and so on. So this morning was her first taste. She did good — better than Alyssa did. Alyssa acted like I was feeding her grass, while Megan just played around with the “soup” in her mouth. She didn’t swallow much of it, but didn’t seem to mind the texture or taste. Alyssa helped out too and at one point Megan had two spoonfuls of cereal in her mouth. She does a pretty good job in the high chair if she is supported on both sides by blankets and a non-slip mat under her bottom. So we will work on the sitting as we work on eating.

Megan also took her first ride in the swing this week. She loved it, and it allows me to play outside without having to hold her. But wouldn’t you know that Alyssa now wants a turn in the baby swing.

Abilene was a big hit. We had a lot of fun with the family and celebrating Blakely’s 6th birthday. The kids would just yell, “we are going to jump!”. It was nice to let them do that on their own without supervision. No one got hurt and we didn’t even have any fights.

You decide



Many people think Megan looks like Alyssa, so for a true comparision I was looking at these two photos today. I took this of Megan today at 5 months old. Then I found a collection of photos labeled Alyssa 5 months. Perfect, I thought. When I opened one, I had to laugh that they had the same onesie on. Anyway, my conclusion is that they have very similar features. The eyes are exact. But the shape of their faces are different. Look how round Alyssa’s was. Ethan and I cannot believe Alyssa ever looked like that. It looks like they have the same amount of hair though.

Megan finally cut her second tooth. So she has the 2 bottom ones for now. She smiles at everyone. I have decided that she will be the outgoing, friendly child. She is so happy – most of the time – and enjoys looking around to see what is going on with everyone. She has such a funny personality, kicking and talking like everyone is just staring at her . . . okay, we are.

Alyssa is out for spring break this week. So far we have had Chick-fil-A today, an unexpected nap, and a little too much TV time. Ah! Vacation! She is so bright and sweet and I wish I could tell you somethings that she says, but nothing is coming to me. Well, other than, “Megan can be our sister and we can have another baby that is a boy to be Daddy’s brother.” That has not been confirmed.

We are headed to Abilene on Wednesday. Pictures from that excursion when we return.

No saddness in Heaven

I still miss him. I think because of some hard work facing reality in the months after Noah died, I am able to enjoy my life even without him. I find great joy in my girls. But in the mornings when I am in the car alone, I look into the sunrise and usually find myself drawn to God. And because he is so close to Noah, I am drawn to Noah. I think about him and what he is doing. When Alyssa and I pray in the car before school, we ask that Noah has a good day in heaven. While that started as a way for me to remind Alyssa of Noah, it has really been something I enjoy too. But this morning something hit me. I was thanking God for the time that I had with Noah. That I was able to carry him, give birth to him, and then see him, touch him, kiss him, and finally I was blessed enough to hold my son. Some people never get that, and I am thankful for that time. But as I was thinking about what Noah was doing this morning, I thought – I know he is happy. He is running around on golden streets with the angels, singing praises to God. And that is a wonderful thought. But if there is no saddness in heaven, then Noah does not know about me. He does not miss me. He does not know I am his mother, and that I love him and miss him. And . . . I don’t know, that hurt me this morning.

Yee Haw – Go Texan Day

I just thought Alyssa looked cute as a cowgirl today. I don’t think it was worth the 5 minutes of pictures to get her to stop watching TV, stand up straight, look at the camera, and smile. None the less, here it is.

First Tooth

After a few weeks of this, Megan’s first tooth finally popped through. Besides the constant hands in the mouth and the drooling she didn’t complain much. Alyssa got her bottom 2 before 5 months, so I have been watching to see if Megan’s were coming. I tried to take a picture of her tooth, but all you could see was 3 fingers shooved in her mouth. I will wait till it comes in a little more. While it is exciting, it is a little sad. She seems to be growing too fast.

She has done a little better with her so-called “reflux”. I took her off the acid medicine 2 weeks ago and she is only on Reglan. It is supposed to relax her involuntary muscles to make eating more comfortable. I saw a huge improvement the first 2 weeks, but she is slowly showing signs of discomfort again. We have a GI appointment in April, so I may just wait till then.

Overall, she is a happy baby. We can make her smile so easily, especially Alyssa. She giggles some, but not too often. She has rolled both directions, however chooses not to most of the time. She plays peekaboo with me when I hold her in my arms. She will bury her face then look up at me and smile. Sometimes I smile and laugh so much at what she is doing, that my face literally hurts. We are having fun!

Happy 30

Ethan turned 30 today. We celebrated this past weekend with family and friends, but tonight was just us. He had two candles on his cake  – one for him and one for Alyssa.” It was a nice evening. At least until the 3 year old had a tantrum because her PJ bottoms were crooked, and the 4 month old began screaming because she had been awake for a whole 3 hours. Welcome to 30, honey. I love you.