I really don’t like to do this, but realized that I have not put photos up in awhile. If you didn’t notice, well, this blog isn’t for you. I know some people that check daily to see their beautiful granddaughters. Daily may be too much. Just kidding. It’s not. Just kidding. It is. Really.
Megan, is well… Megan. There are no words to describe her other than herself. She is three. Loud. Moody. But immaginative. Hysterical. Unlike her sister in many ways, but just like her in others. God is so creative. She doesn’t want to go to school in the morning, but jumps right out of the car and comes back happy. Who knows what really goes on in there. She likes to play anything from pretend animals to Wall-E and Even. Mostly follows her big sisters directions, and in turn gives them to her little sister.
Audrey is almost one. She is everywhere and into everything, but not walking. She eats like no other I have raised. I had to give her some chocolate cake one night after dinner because she did such a good job with her green beans and I thought she needed a treat. She loves to play whatever her sisters are playing, which drives one of them crazy. She gets parented by 4 people in the house. She cannot sleep without her “nuffle bunny”. She does the roar of the tiger, says DaDa, BaBa, waves and the occasional MaMa. But she is darn cute.
And that leaves Alyssa. She is 6, in 1st grade. She loves school. She excels. She can totally entertain herself with a book, like most of the Whaleys. She has lost three teeth. She plays, but doesn’t love, soccer. She thinks maybe “it isn’t the sport for me.” Too bad, mom and dad say it is right now. She is affectionate, nurturing, and kind. She can still throw a fit like a 3 yr old, and get her feelings hurt very easily. She has several buddies in the neighborhood that she wants to play with daily. She obeys and is the one I can control when chaos comes knocking at my door. She is the one who will cuddle, give one more hug, and generally be anything you need her to be. Am I blessed with these girls or what?