Do you have one? I think everyone deserves at least one generous, thoughtful, totally committed to your life, sweet friend. And I know God orchestrated so many things in my life to bring JB to me. I have many wonderful friends in TN. Many friendships that God has blessed and I will deeply miss. But sometimes there are friendships that you just can’t explain. How did we really meet? How did she go from just an acquaintance at MOPS to the first person I call to have a laugh with or a listening ear? We have enjoyed a passion for running, shared our accomplishments and defeats. We have shared our struggles of motherhood, been around to encourage or just talk some sense into each other. JB is one of those people that would do everything in her power to help. She asks how you are. When she says she is praying for you, she means it. She is a Godly woman, who loves her family and her husband and loves her friends well. But despite my love for her and how much I will miss our runs and early morning phone calls, I am not sad to leave her behind. Because I know she is a once in a lifetime friend. One that will always be around and never just slip through my fingers. Besides JB loves Austin, so she will be around for one reason or another. Thank you, girl, for teaching me, loving me, and most of all walking through life with me. Now dry your tears and bring me one of your famous “happies” to help me get this packing started.
What a sweet post and yes she is a GREAT friend. You know she will be in Austin visiting all the time! Hope everything is going well.