
Ice cream in the evening

Making Papa smile

We have had lots of fun around our house over the last two weeks. My mom and niece, Blakely, were here for a week and my dad joined at the end. The girls had a great time together, and I just enjoyed having one of my girls occupied 24 hours a day by someone other than me. Alyssa and Blakely would disappear into her room for hours at a time. They would come back dressed alike in some way pretending some random game. They were even able to sleep in the same room all week. Usually we have to move one of them, but they finally figured out how to be quiet. They were up before anyone else in the morning quietly playing in their room.We all drove to Chattanooga on Saturday for the Acquarium and then they headed out Monday.

Tuesday, Kedra and her kids joined us for several days. Managing four kids is difficult enough, so we didn’t ventured out of the house much…or did we at all? But we had fun just being together. We could not get Lauren and Megan to be friends. They just walked right by each other and refused to take a picture for us. Kedra and I are 6 months apart and have known each other since about that age. Our girls are 7 months apart and will be friends whether they like it or not! Thank you for making the effort to see us. It is not easy to be away from home with young kids for very long and I welcome your visits anytime; crying, disobeying, sassing, vomit and all.

Are they actually playing?

Our walks for some peace and quiet

The best we could do as a group

Mommy-made outfits

4 thoughts on “Visitors

  1. It is so easy to picture you and Kedra in those pictures of Megan and Lauren. You two will always be glad you make the time to nourish your friendship. I know it makes Leslie and me sentimental.

  2. we had so much fun too!
    Thank you for putting up with all of the sassing & vomiting! You know that you are a true friend when you help clean up vomit and don’t kick us out!! Love you~

  3. the picture with all of us is very fitting to the week- poor Mason, that’s how he looked all week! I’m glad that none of you got sick!!

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