It is simple. We were headed out for the day with Daddy and I thought they looked cute. “Let’s go outside real quick and take a picture before we leave.”
“Look at the camera Alyssa.”
“Alyssa. At me.”
“Meeeegan! Look at mommy.”
“Got it.”
Nope, I just Photoshopped it. (Yes, I am good at it.) But something prevents me from printing these type of pictures to keep for myself, because the event I have supposedly captured didn’t exist. The other pictures actually tell a more accurate story of my kids at this age.
They do a little better individually.
And this is our bunny who usually eats breakfast with us.
Love it! Just wait until you have 3 little ones to try to get to look at the camera all at once! Craziness!
Haha, have you ever seen a photoshoot with John and Kate Plus 8? That’ll test your patience. And I bet you that photographer uses photoshop too. 🙂
Yes, you are good at it…that’s amazing! They look too cute and all ready for summer.
You are a great photoshopper!! Can you take a family picture of us???