Well, here they are at the end of the summer. What you see here is a very typical photo of my girls, except for Megan is not wearing a dress. And that is only because we were going on a walk around the block and I actually convinced her to wear shorts and tennis shoes. The week before school started I began waking them at the same time we will get up for school. We practiced getting dressed, making beds and then took a walk each day. The morning would start with a happy Audrey, a cooperative Alyssa and consistently a grumpy Megan — she takes after her dad. But this is how they looked at the end of each walk. I hope my hard work pays off tomorrow when I have to wake that grumpy bear up at 6:15 am.
Which brings us to tonight. The night before Kindergarten and 4th grade. I tried to make this last week “fun”. But Alyssa insisted that it was the last day of summer and was hinting at some sort of “treat”. So we took them out to eat for a last day of summer dinner, complete with endless chips and their own dessert.
Cheering to their dinner
Demolishing their dessert in 1 minute…serious.
Now they are all tucked in bed, hopefully asleep, and ready for a new year. Megan shared her “magic” confetti from her teacher, and they all have a bit under their pillows to sleep well tonight. Tomorrow is a big day… 2 down and 1 to go. Lord, watch over my girls tomorrow. Let them be lights in this dark world and put their trust in you as they grow. Amen.
Happy First Day of school girls! Hope it was great! ; )
Love from Oregon!
Mel Mel
Love it! Chilis is the spot at our house too :)) Hope they enjoy a wonderful school year! Ya’ll must start school real early… !